Software Licensing

Personal Growth

Software licensing is a legal procedure to provide rules and guidelines for other users to use and distribute the work of someone or some organization. The act of licensing defines the responsibilities of the parties entering into the license agreement and guidelines to use the work. Software licensing is basically the fair use of work with limitations, warranties, and protection.

Benefits of using licensed software:
* The license can save time and money
* Have right to receive around-the-clock support

Creative Commons (CC)

Creative Commons is a kind of free license provided by internationally active non-profit organizations for creators in order to use it when they make their work available to the public under certain fixed conditions. A Creative Commons license is used when a creator wants to give other people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.

A Creative Commons licenses let the creator choose how they want others to use and distribute their software. The moment a creator releases their work under a Creative Commons license, the user know what they can and can't do with the work. Generally there is only need to seek the permission of the creator when users want to use the work in a way not permitted by the license.

General Public License (GPL)

General Public License is the most popular free software license. Under General Public License anyone can use, modify, and redistribute the software. Often, there is no limit to where user can copy that software and how many times. The user can copy it on their own server, on the server of their client, on their local workstations, wherever and howsoever many times.

In other words, General Public License permits anyone to download, run, modify, redistribute, and distribute modified versions of software anytime and anyplace.

Apache License

The Apache License is a free and open source software licensing agreement and the Apache License version 2.0 rights can be applied to both copyrights and patents.

As Apache License is an open source license that gives the liberty to the user to use it, modify it, copy it, share it, and sell it. The disadvantage is that when a user copies the code and change it, the user only does the changing with the code they have; not what other person is using.

Understanding Open Source

Open source is the licensing procedure that lets the owners provide free access to code to others, edit the code according to their need, use it without permission from the owner, and share it with others.

The most popular Android operating system is open source because the public is given access to the source code of the operating system with the liberty to edit, use, and share. Same applies to Linux.

Understanding Open Data

Open data is an idea that some data can be accessed, used, and shared by anyone freely to bring about social, economic, and environment benefits.

The benefits of having access to open data are tremendous and could massively improve society. Open data is universal; not bound by geography. Anyone and anybody from around the world can get access, modify, use, share to it.

Understanding Privacy

Privacy is a procedure to regulate the ways in which data on its relative importance is collected, shared, and utilized by another person.

Privacy of data is important these days because with the advancement of technology, almost everyone stores their data online. The data stored online could be generally like name, occupation, but sometimes it could be sensitive as well like account number, password, credit card details. So to safeguard personal data and respect the privacy of other person is extremely important.

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