Limitations are an internal resistance to proceed further and be successful in life. It blocks the way to progress and stops you from reaching your desired goal in life. Although you wish to progress and at the initial stage, you got success in your endeavor as well but after a certain point, you start to feel that you cannot move further. You confine yourself within a limit and feel uncomfortable to go beyond your imagined limit. Somehow you have accepted that you are not destined to make your life big no matter how much boring life you are leading by living within your limits. However, if you want to realize your goal and make your life enriching, you should push past the limits.
To push past the limits, you need to stop setting what you think are your limits. As there are no limits of human intelligence, so it is a matter of underestimating one's capabilities by setting limits on it. By setting limits you hamper your growth and lead a boring life because you fear to go beyond your comfort zone to make life adventurous. But, when you stop setting limits on yourself, your fear vanishes and your dream to realize your desired goal comes true.
Hence have faith in yourself and apply the power of your mind to push past your limits. It is very much true that you cannot get over some of the limitations overnight, but there will be always a chance to make changes in it. Once you start the process, the changes will pave the way for bigger change. Always keep in mind, all the forces of the universe support the courageous people who are determined to pursue excellence in life despite the presence of obstacles on the way. So be determined enough to push past the limits, there is no force on earth, which can prevent you from realizing your goal.
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