Lovemaking energy is one of the most powerful life force that has the power of creation another individual. The process of producing energy from the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe is quite complex and time-consuming metabolism activity of our body. This constant process leads the body cells to decay and that in turn causes ageing. Therefore, it is better to make the optimal use of lovemaking energy and transform it for more productive work so that you can delay the process of ageing and at the same time reap the benefits of utilizing lovemaking energy into more productive work for your development.
The transformation of lovemaking energy requires prevention from not being engaged in the process of satisfying the lovemaking urge and at the same time resolves it to rise above it. The pleasure of lovemaking interaction last for very limited time and once the climax occurs the pleasure is over. However, the lovemaking urge arises after a certain period of time. It is a never ending process and consumes most of the body energy which are vital for leading a healthy and successful life.
To lovemaking energy, one needs to understand the true meaning of lovemaking urge. It is a natural instinct like hunger and thrust. Most of the people just waste their energy in trying to fight the lovemaking urge or seeking constant lovemaking gratification of it. To transform the lovemaking drive is easier for those who practice Yoga. They heightened their energy level by constant practice of Yoga and drive that energy towards accomplishment of extraordinary things, which seems magical to the common person.
Hence, make a constant approach to transform lovemaking energy to energies yourself and utilize it to grow as a strong human being. Being engaged in the transient momentary pleasure will make a heavy toll on your body by driving it to increase the process of metabolism for its own survival. By transforming lovemaking energy, you can rise above the slavery of lovemaking urges.